Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Golden Girls - Golden Advice

Be Yourself
Blanche: "What do you think of my new dress? Is it me?
Sophia: "It's too tight, it's too short and shows too much cleavage for a woman your age.
Dorothy: "Yes, Blanche. It's you.

Age is just a number
Rose: "My mother always used to say: "the older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana."
But, Take care of your skin
Blanche: "You know what the worst part about getting older is?"
Dorothy: "Your face, Rose's hands?"
Stay fit and healthy
Blanche: "I treat my body like a temple."
Sophia: "Yeah, open to everyone, day or night."
Your normal might be different than someone else’s
Dorothy: "The woman keeps a chicken in her home, how normal can she be?"
Rose: "I kept a chicken in my home."
Dorothy: "You see my point?"
Sarcasm, while funny is not very kind
Rose: "I just had a thought... "
Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche: "Congratulations."
A healthy sex life is important
Rose: "Sophia, why are you in such a bad mood?"
Sophia: "Excuse me rose, but i haven't had sex in fifteen years and its starting to get on my nerves."
But, keep it clean
Blanche: "I do love the rain so. It reminds me of my first kiss."
Dorothy: "Ah,your first kiss was in the rain?"
Blanche: "No, it was in the shower."
Respect your elders
Sophia: "Look, you didn't ask me for my opinion, but i'm old, so i'm giving it anyway."
First impressions are important
Blanche: "what was your first impression of me?"
Rose: " thought you wore too much makeup and were a slut. I was wrong. You don't wear too much makeup. "
The way to a man’s heart is still through his stomach
Rose: "I couldn't sleep, so i whipped up a batch of sverhoeven crispies. It's a traditional midnight snack from st. Olaf dating back to viking times."
Dorothy: "Well, i guess after a hard night of pillaging and raping, a viking would want a little something to go with his cocoa."
There’s no place like home
Rose: "Back where i come from, most people won't eat store-bought cake."
Dorothy: "Rose, back where you come from, people live in windmills and make love to polka music."
Rose: "Stop it, Dorothy. You're making me homesick!"

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