Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Which Golden Girl are you?

You're a strong, grounded woman and somewhat intimidating. You command the attention of your friends and loved ones and are extremely loyal to them. You have wit and wisdom and give great advice. Usually you know exactly what you want and you won’t hesitate to say what you think and feel.  Your bleeding-heart desire to help people means you have a tendency to fall for a yutz and you may have become jaded.

Blanche: "Rose, you must be confused. You come to me if you have problems with a man. You go to Dorothy if there's some grammar you need help with."
Dorothy: "You ended that sentence with a dangling preposition just to bait me!"
Blanche: "What would i do that for?"

You are a glass is always half-full woman, your perpetually positive attitude can border on gullibility. You always lend an ear or a helping hand without judgment and sometimes you are a push-over but you’re no dummy, you just want everyone to be as happy as you are. When it comes to love you’re all in and a one true love kind of girl.

Rose: "Dorothy, you're the smart one, and blanche, you're the sexy one, and sophia, you're the old one, and i'm the nice one. Everybody always likes me."
Sophia: "The old one isn't so crazy about you."

Life of the party and belle of the ball, you’re a blast to be with and you take life as it comes. You're always available to give fashion or sex advice. Some think you come across as vain, selfish and a little flaky but who cares when you’re so damn good-looking?  You don't hesitate to date just about anyone, but it usually doesn't last for long…you're a man-eater.

Blanche: “There is a fine line between having a good time and being a wanton slut. I know. My toe has been on that line.”

You have no patience for stupid people. You're not mean or judgmental per se, just brutally honest and unapologetic when it comes to sharing your opinions. Your friends and loved ones seek out your advice and count on you to tell them the truth, but can end up wishing you would shut up. There is a heart of gold underneath when those close to you finally crack your prickly exterior.
 Sophia:  “Picture it... Sicily…”

I'd have to say I'm a little bit of them all!

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