Monday, December 6, 2010

The Bitch Dilemma

I've got two crazy beagles and I feed the dogs every morning after our walk. 
Ever since we added Pink to our pack I feed her first because she will eat whatever I put down even if it's not for her. Once she's distracted with gobbling down her food like she's never eaten before I can feed Sidney.
This morning, after I put the food down, I went to start some laundry but Sidney came rushing into the laundry room trying to get my attention with that "Timmy's in the well" look.  I told Sid we don't have a well but he insisted this was serious and wouldn't stop staring at me so I followed him back to the kitchen where, surprise, Pink had finished her food and was eating Sidney's. I had to feed him again, as if he needs it, and she got two helpings. Sidney is more than twice Pink's size but she strikes fear in his heart with that stink eye. She really makes the bitch thing work for her!

In typical male passive aggressive behavior Sidney stole her bone later when she wasn't looking then flaunted it in front of her while he happily chewed it up.

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